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Halifax Camerata Singers-CD-A Time For All Things
Nominated For An ECMA 2017 For Classical Recording of The Year
By John Gavin, Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The Halifax Camerata Singers is Atlantic Canada's premier chamber choir. They have been nominated for an ECMA 2017 Music Award for the 2016 release entitled, A Time For All Things, in the category Classical Recording of The Year.

They are now in the 30th season. They were founded by Artistic Director, Jeff Joudrey and is Atlantic Canada's premier chamber choir. The Nova Scotia ensemble has distinguished itself by performing exciting choral repertoire from all periods and styhler, with a special focus on Canadian music.

The choir has recorded five CD's including their latest ECMA 2017 nominated album entitled, A Time For All Things. Choir members come from many communities for the opportunity to perform demanding choral repertoire, and since 2001 from the core choir of the Symphony Noca Scotia Chorus.

The CD contains 13 tracks, and here are the titles:

There Was A Tme - Antiphon - Angus Dei - The Ground

Sure On This Shining Night - Earth Song - Voices of Earth

Snow Angel - The Lover's Chant - Evening Prayer

The Kontakion - Amazing Grace - How Can I Keep Singing?

Guest artists include: Jeff Reilly-Blue Engine String Quartet-Jennifer Jones-Hilary Brown

Atlantic Seabreeze says the CD is masterful and Classical music lovers should be in awe with its production. A full 5 Star rating out of 5 stars for this incredible album.

For more information regarding Halifax Camerata Singers, go to their above posted website address.